Spice up your quilt with this unique balaclava
The Khibu down balaclava will be your loyal companion, along with your quilt, during winter
Since the topquilt has no hood, your head needs to be protected with something. Up until a certain
temperature this can be accomplished with a hat, sweater hood, etc.
But once the temperature gets below zero, it is crucial to properly protect your head from the cold.
This balaclava is suitable for head diameters up to 65 cm. There are baffles between the outer and
inner shell (not sewn together) which ensures proper insulation.
By tightening in the elastic cord, our eyes are also protected and only the nose and mouth remain
Very light, only 80 grams.
Balaclava advantages:
– lightweight
– insulates properly
– protects the eyes and head from the cold
– unique look